

npm install -D date-picker-svelte


	import { DateInput } from 'date-picker-svelte'
	let date = new Date()

<DateInput bind:value={date} />


Component with an input field that shows the DatePicker component on focus. The component will not assign a date value until a specific date is selected in the picker or entered into the field.


Prop Type Description
value Date | null Date value
min Date The earliest value the user can select
max Date The latest value the user can select
placeholder string Placeholder used when date value is null
timePrecision "minute" | "second" | "millisecond" | null Show a time picker with the specified precision
id string | null Set the input element's ID attribute
valid bool Whether the text is valid
format string Format string
visible bool Whether the date popup is visible
disabled bool Disable the input
required bool Require a value to submit form
closeOnSelection bool Close the date popup when a date is selected
browseWithoutSelecting bool Wait with updating the date until a value is selected
dynamicPositioning bool Dynamically postions the date popup to best fit on the screen
locale Locale Locale object for internationalization

Format string

Example format string: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Pattern Result example
yyyy 2021
yy 21
MM 12
dd 31
HH 23
mm 59
ss 59


Component with a calendar for choosing a date. The component will not assign a date value until a specific date is selected in the picker.


Prop Type Description
value Date | null Date value
min Date The earliest year the user can select
max Date The latest year the user can select
timePrecision "minute" | "second" | "millisecond" | null Show a time picker with the specified precision
locale Locale Locale object for internationalization
browseWithoutSelecting bool Wait with updating the date until a date is selected



Object to support internationalization. Properties (all are optional):

  • weekdays: Array of weekdays in short form, Sunday to Monday. Default: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa']
  • months: Array of month names, January to December. Default: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
  • weekStartsOn: The day the week starts on, 0 = Sunday. Default: 1


If you use date-fns, you can create a Locale object by passing a date-fns locale to this function:

	import { DatePicker, localeFromDateFnsLocale } from 'date-picker-svelte'
	import { hy } from 'date-fns/locale'
	let date = new Date()
	let locale = localeFromDateFnsLocale(hy)

<DatePicker bind:value={date} {locale} />

CSS variables


  • --date-picker-foreground
  • --date-picker-background
  • --date-picker-highlight-border
  • --date-picker-highlight-shadow
  • --date-picker-selected-color
  • --date-picker-selected-background


  • --date-input-width

Dark theme example:

:root {
	--date-picker-background: #1b1e27;
	--date-picker-foreground: #f7f7f7;

Custom CSS

You can always use :global() to add your own styles. Example:

:global(.date-time-picker) {
	width: 16rem;